Monday, May 24, 2010

My Greatest Disappearing Act Evar!

Okay, so maybe not. xD If I were a magician, I would have been fired already. Or my pet rabbits and doves would've revolted and become meat eaters. All that'd be left of me would be my silk handkerchief and my spiffy black and white shoes. No repeat performances. haha!

The truth in a nutshell is that life has gotten out of hand for me as of late. I'm a newly single parent to a wonderful boy, who has Asperger's Syndrome. Which basically just means he has a harder time socializing with his peers and conducting strong communication. He's very smart, always ahead of his class academically. lol. He just has to have speech and occupational therapy. As it's approaching summertime, I've had to take a lot of time getting him into not only a summer school style program (through my new job thank the Lord!) but also securing him a spot in a new therapy place not far from home. So that he won't regress. He's made a lot of progress just in a year's time, which means that everyday I have to put my time/energy forward too, to make sure I'm setting him up for success and not for failure. Our goal is that by the time he's 10 years old, no one will ever know that he has Asperger's. :) Which means that he will be able to function in society appropriately and live an awesome life full of adventures. :)

Another thing that's taken my time from HNZ is my new job. I love my new job. The hours are great, I love what I do and it's a lot of fun. Not only that, my little boy gets to come with me and be in a wonderful woman's class this summer. So I'll know exactly how he's doing every single day. ^^

We moved back in February and our new place was closed up for quite a while. It's beside family, which is wonderful. But it needs a lot, and I do mean a lot, of TLC. I've thus far got to paint my living room and the bathroom. The other 3 rooms that need painted have to have the wall paper taken down, walls sanded, some fixed, then primed and painted. No way am I doing all that! So thus begins my search for reliable, affordable painters in my area. haha.

I was supposed to start school the 18th, but am unable to until the fall now. It's just one of those things, a lot was happening with my son so I chose to hold it off until his routine was more stable and he and I could cope with everything that's happening.

I've been playing catch up on HNZ. If I've not responded to your PM, please be patient as I will get to you this week. :) Also with applications. I apologize for the length of time it's taken me to respond to them. Please do not get snarky with Nick or blame him, as he has had to wait on me too. Sales receipts will be caught up by this week as well. Any RPs I am participating will be replied to asap too. ^_^

I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know what was going on and to ask for your patience, prayers and understanding. There's a lot I didn't/couldn't type out as it's too personal that's going on as well.

Thank you again,
Your friendly neighborhood Admin,

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  1. We :wub: you Livvy. Kia kaha (stand strong) and keep up the good work you're doing.
    Arohanui (much love)

  2. Livvy, I agree with Emma; keep it up! It sounds like you're doing an amazing job with your son. Hope everything gets a lot better with him :)

    Olivia xx


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