Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Leg Hurts - Brain Dead - Life Goes On

So basically this is my first post to the blawg and I feel utterly ashamed of it. Unlike others I don't get the whole blog experience, never thrilled me in the slightest. But if I must I must, so here goes my own rant if that be the word for it. The past few weeks in my own life has been crazy to the extent that my time on HNZ has been minimal at best. I have tried to keep on top of my rp's of course but it does seem unfair to those who wait on me to end up doing simply a post a day. I feel as if even my GM duties have taken a considerable nose dive and I know Nick will say otherwise but I seriously prefer to be doing more. Especially with our Livvy not back in admin mode completely yet and Nickles taking on everything.

We do get lists of course and this was on one of them xD not a bad thing to swipe from the list to do but as I'm not a blogger usually writing as if I'm doing my journal but for all to see is daunting. Who will I upset? Who would I leave out? Lessons are finishing soon enough and then we have exams, the graduating class of Year 9 - must do up Aries speech xD - grading and tons of other things going on as per usual. In my chaotic real life of course I do nothing by halves and now I sport a beautiful black ankle brace, my brain feels fried from the meds I am taking but hey, the pain in my ankle is gone lol.

My blawg seems so unstructured and disorganised, I'm sure Nick will pop along later and correct it somehow xD I keed of course.The birthday celebrations seemed to have gone well, can't believe the site is five years running. How amazing are we!! Yes I stress the We ;) I am so loving the banner that won and the memories that people have posted are brilliant. Would love to post my own but I backed nothing up with post-it's and those that know me best, know I have the worst memory imaginable and post-it everything regularly. xD But if I do remember anything other than how awesome I think you all are, I will be sure to post up there. I did the *five list* and cheated a little by grouping some but no one has complained yet ;) Why are there no emoticons in blawg world? I love emoticons... is there anyone I can complain too about this oversight? Anyhows before I go off on another tangent altogether, I will leave you all be and let you all cross your fingers that I won't be doing another one of these. Hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Yay for your first blog! We all need more Linda in our lives.


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