Sunday, December 13, 2009

Children's Christmas Party

So, yesterday I hosted a child at my secondary school's annual Children's Christmas Party (CCP). (It used to be called the "Underprivileged Children's Christmas Party" (UCCP) but our school's administration changed its name to prevent any offence taken by children/parents - it is still the same thing, though)
Basically, the school comes together and plans this giant party for children across the city who maybe don't have the best Christmas every year. A bunch of people buy presents and wrap them, other people are "activities volunteers" who run things like face painting, pin the nose on Rudolph, and the sing along. Other people help cook food for our Christmas lunch and then serve it, there are obviously people who run the whole show then there are the hosts. I was a host. Hosts probably have the best role in the party. We meet a child about a week before the party takes place, then on the day of the party we go to their school, pick them up, and bring them back to the highschool. Throughout the day we lead them around to various activities and just have a blast with them.
This year, my child didn't show up. :( I was going to be without child for the Children's Christmas Party (and thusly have been stuck being a floater). This would not do. So I ended up getting a kid who was technically not supposed to come to the party, but showed up the day of to be picked up at the school (and it's just mean to turn a kid away).
Within five minutes on the bus to my school I knew his Name, Age, Address, and phone number. All I wanted to know was his name and age. xD He insisted on telling me his address, then he went on a tangent about how it's "Good to know your phone number" (which I conceded to) and then how he "learned [his] phone number in the summer" (which I said was very good) then what his phone number was, just to prove it... I suppose.
He also kept saying "more better", which I found very difficult not to correct him on... but I digress.
At the party he was a pretty sweet kid. Well behaved etc. I ended up being physically assaulted by other children, though. (My friend's children. One girl kept poking me. Another kid, while I was standing in line with my own to get food, just turned around and punched me in the gut... just for fun. >_<; )
After all the activities and lunch we got to see the big man from up north. Yes. Sinterklaas.
My child got his picture taken with santa, then a gift. He got a snowman stuffed toy thingy and a Discovery Kids experiment set to create slime. He wasn't impressed at first, as he asked Santa for a Nerf gun. I then explained to him that Santa was just giving him one present today, and that I'm sure Santa will bring a Nerf gun on Christmas. Of course, with that in mind, he didn't hate the experiment set so much now and was actually quite excited to make some goo.
Finally, it was time to leave. One of the children in our group, though, refused to enter the classroom where we'd left all our coats for the day and his host was just leaving him there. Myself and a friend went to get him and he explained how he refused to go in, how Santa had disappointed him. He wanted a Bionicle and only got a Mr. Potato Head (Spiderman edition). I tried the same thing that worked for my kid, but this child didn't like my reasoning and became quite violent. Punching and kicking, I picked him up and brought him in to the room far enough away from the other children so that when I put him down, he could only hurt me and the other guy that was with me. I'm glad I did that, now, as his next words were "Santa Claus isn't real! He's dead!" I just thought 'Boy, imma step on your head you keep this up'. Fortunately, nobody heard him and he stopped with that after a moment.
He was still violent as we walked them back to their buses, but eventually calmed down - which my bruises were quite glad for.
On the bus ride home I talked to my parasite (I was a "host", right?) some more about random things and he told me his address randomly once more.
When we were back at his school the bus driver stopped me and said "You three hosts in the back were so engaged with your children. My husband is an elementary school teacher, and we have five children, and you're so good with kids."... to which I had no words to reply. O.o

All in all it was a good day, despite my bruises and varied levels of physical abuse from children, and I'm glad I spent my Saturday at the party - even if it means I spent my Sunday doing homework all day. =(


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1 comment:

  1. Aww I really enjoyed reading this. ^_^ That's so sweet & cute.

    That little kid should not be telling people his phone number and address, especially if he just met them. xD

    How old were the kids?


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