Sunday, February 7, 2010 Solo

So, as most of you should know, Livvy (Cecily Zdablooptybloop) has been absent since about the 20th of January. That means that I have been administrating HNZ on my own for over two weeks at this point, and Livvy intends to be gone likely until things resettle for her at the end of February or beginning of March.

I knew, when she told me how long she'd likely be gone, that this would be tough and her being away would be uber suckage - but I don't think I truly realized how different things would be. I knew, for instance, that I would have to process all sales receipts on my own, and fill in for everything else Livvy does on HNZ so frequently. Those things in themselves make it quite difficult for me to play both our roles on HNZ - but I hadn't realized (although I did within the first week of her absence) just how much I relied on Livvy for things other than handling her sections of the site. For instance, I loved running ideas by her, discussing things I had just thought up and would likely mull over on my own for another month before putting them in to action (yes, that's something we do fairly often), or bouncing random ideas off her, commenting on certain member's behaviour and discussing how best to deal with certain situations. She was also normally the one to keep me up to date on what was happening in character on the board (as, generally, I'm so involved with running the actual board, and the technical side of things, that I am quite clueless). We really do have quite the partner dynamic to running the board and that simply disappeared as soon as she left.

All of a sudden not only were all the routine tasks on my shoulders, but all the special plans we had for the coming months fell solely on me as well, and I was suddenly no longer able to bounce ideas off of somebody constantly. It was likely this last bit that has been the toughest for me. I can do sales receipts, I can even figure out how we would deal with most applications on my own - but I can't bounce ideas off of myself. I can't get Livvy's perspective on things just from my own mind (of course, she and I agree ninety nine and a quarter percent of the time (yes, a fraction with a percent. Love me, math people. ;) ) ) and I certainly hate implementing things that I'm not sure she'll support upon her return.

Assuming I ignore the relationship in running the board that I cannot have when Livvy is gone, the tasks themselves simply pile up and make it impossible for me to do very much of what I'd like to do on HNZ. There are the normal tasks that have always and will always exist:
  • Member group changes (Normally split between us)
  • Applications for everything (about ten a week) Discussed by both of us
  • Warnings/Member Disputes (Discussed between us and sometimes Global Moderators - member is contacted by either Livvy or myself, we split this)
  • Answering FAQs(Normally split between us)
  • Posting announcements (Normally split between us)
  • Sales Receipts (Normally Livvy)
  • Updating Site Documentation as things change (Normally me, sometimes pawned off on Livvy)
  • Replying to suggestions. (Normally me, sometimes pawned off on Livvy)
That's just the tip of the iceberg, what I can think of right now, with regard to standard site operation.

Then, there's the awesome timing of Livvy's hiatus (through no fault of her own, obviously). She left and sorting was still happening. No big deal, I normally handle most of sorting. I took it on myself to even deal with every transfer application on my own to not pester her as she prepared to leave - despite that being something we traditionally do together. The real kicker is that this is to be a TriWizard Tournament year on HNZ. A lot of the planning was still only rough outlines, no formal posts had been written yet, and it had been Livvy and my intentions to run it together. That, obviously, has not panned out. I have been running it largely on my own and I hope it should go well.
TriWizard Tournament?!

Yes! The TriWizard Tournament is ongoing and chances are you aren't doing your part! *sad face* Check it out and post here!

The TriWizard tournament is a substantial amount of extra work: from planning, to posting, to organizing, to prodding champions to get off their bum-bums to telling the SUPER HELPFUL ( ^_^ ) volunteers how they're supposed to do what they need to do. =D

I also believe HNZ's TWT is cursed. The last time we did this Alicia had to leave and we sort of strategically killed the plot line at task two. Now this time, Livvy has had to leave us for a month and we have no intention of it dying... unless the champions don't start posting (Can you tell I'm bitter about TWT activity? No? Not obvious yet? Hmmm. I'll work on that.)

Needless to say, I have been getting tonnes of help and support from our awesome Global Moderators. They're all super busy right now, too, but they've stepped it up quite a bit for me, and for Livvy. We're working on keeping things as active as we can and up to date as we can. I think, without the global moderating team, I would have collapsed by now. I wub dem guys. ^_^ (They're even letting me bounce ideas off them once in a while! They're not as good as Livvy ... (no offence, guys) but still - it's nice enough =D )

With Livvy gone, though, I have noticed some other things about the site:
  • Some members are mean no matter what. Ignore them. Don't let them get to you. If you do, you'll hate HNZ and not want to do anything at all.
    I was very close to just going on my own break at one point because of member comments and gossip in the past week
  • No matter how much you do, people don't have to thank you for it if they don't want to.
    True story.
  • No matter how fast you work, people want you to work faster.
    Also a true story. I've been clearing out applications about once a week. It's the most I can do, seeings how I'm running most aspects of the site for now. However this is still not quick enough for some members. I still get PMs 'reminding' me to process things that I know about, and I still get very frustrated by that. ;)
  • Nice people should be glomped. All. The. Time. If you don't, they'll forget you wubbles them. They forget soo0o0o quickly. =(
    Unfortunately, I have learned this in the past week. I fear I have hurt somebody's feelings, not by my words (though they passed it off as by my words, I think... my words were simply the unrefined truth about something on the site), but by my lack of words. Words which I had assumed to be understood.

I am, obviously, quite anxious for Livvy's return and have quite a bit of February left to go before that will be a reality.
Any support from the members of HNZ in this time would be greatly appreciated. I've kept it up for over two weeks now, and I'm wearing down a bit. I can keep it up, but I need to know that
  1. The site is behind me
  2. and
  3. The site is patient with me
  4. and
  5. I'm not going to hear mean things about me through the grape vine when everything I'm doing on HNZ is for the members. I get very little out of being an admin, and I think it's the site that truly profits. I guess that's just one man's opinion, though.

Thanks for reading this, guys, and be sure to keep Livvy in your thoughts/prayers over the coming weeks - she needs it. As much as it sucks that she's gone, her absence is necessary for her and the easier this time is, the quicker she comes back. ^_^ So ya - keep her in your thoughts. =)


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  1. Wow... Running a site as large as HNZ solo has to be hell =\ But you are doing a very good job of it from what I can tell and THANK YOU for that, everyone on HNZ appreciates it [Or should <_<] :D I may not be able to do much to help out but if there's anything I can do to help I will ^_^

  2. I did not know how much work you really have to do. If you need any help just shoot me a PM I have nothing to do between now and August and I'm on HNZ 8+ hrs every single day. I know its hard work but your doing an epic job and I thank you.


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