Saturday, November 21, 2009

My turn I suppose...

Pharyngitis. To most it'd be a sentence of staying home from school, missing work, being miserably sick. But not for me. Bahahaha! I got to spend over 3 hours at the hospital with a male nurse who looked just like L.L. Cool J. Then after they stuck cotton swabs down my throat and irrigated my ear where my sinuses leaked, they had me wait with all of these awesome soldiers who wouldn't give up their seats at the pharmacy for me or my cranky 4 year old autistic child (who had just come home from school). Class acts, those guys.

But the fun part came when I got home! After wheezing my way up the stairs, head pounding, nose running, throat feeling like somebody had stuffed a barb wired pineapple down it, I got to chill out on my couch. And get up to get juice, then dinner, then a favorite crayon that fell behind the couch, then change DVDs, then get yelled at for not having a ready supply of suckers.

Finally I got the night to myself to Skype with some crazy broads and RP in a medicated stupor. Amazingly the RPs went well. Ha! Then came the morning after where my little guy jumped on the bus and I snuggled on my couch to watch X-Files, season 1. I'd forgotten how pretty David Duchovny (my adolescent love) was. *sigh* *cough*

Anyways, been hella sick, found out Rich won't be home until January instead of before Christmas and that my kid is apparently one of the class bullies. Bummed about Rich...strangely proud of Logan for sticking up for himself. Show those kids who's boss son.

HNZ wise, been very impressed with the changes and ideas happening lately. If you haven't hugged your Nicktator lately, go do it. Now. I'll just be sitting here, reading this newspaper. *sniff* Huh, Headmistress is a harlot apparently. Interesting. Oh, you're still here? Why are you watching me? Go RP already! And submit some links to my PM box while you're at it.

~Liv (Cecily Zhefarovich)

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